The Electronic Logging Device Mandate Is Here

ELD mandate

ELD Mandate Is On Its Way

The ELD (electronic logging device) mandate will be here very soon. If you are a trucking company or a driver then most likely you will be required to use an electronic logging device to record hours-of-service (HOS).

If you don’t already use an ELD then you have 2 choices, adopt one now or procrastinate and wait until the last minute. If you adopt one now you will start to get the benefits right away. You will also save the headache of implementing a new system at the last minute.

Read this article by Tom Cuthbertson about the benefits of implementing early. It could change your mind.

Click here to learn more about the ELD mandate. Please contact us if you have any questions about ELDs and the options available.

About Efficient Fleets

We are a full service telematics and GPS tracking company based in San Antonio, TX. We provide easy-to-use, affordable software solutions for fleets of any size. Our solutions include GPS tracking, video cameras, and electronic logging devices (ELD). All of our systems are web based so you can monitor your assets from any location. Please contact us at 888-777-4510 for more information or fill out our contact form.