Milo GPS: Stop Report

Start/Stop Summary Report

The Start/Stop Summary Report is a report that lists all the stops a vehicle or item makes for a period of time. It is an easy to use report that provides valuable information. Use this report to track when a vehicle arrives and leaves from a stop. Use this report to alleviate customer complaints such as not arriving on time or leaving early.

Each row in the report is one stop. It lists the date and time the vehicle arrived and left.

stop report


Trip Start Time: the date and time the vehicle left from the previous stop

Trip End Time: the date and time the vehicle arrived to the current stop

Group: group the vehicle belongs to

Vehicle: vehicle name

Start Location: the location where the vehicle left from

End Location: the current stop

Max Speed: maximum speed for the trip

Trip Duration: the length of time the trip took

Stop Duration: total stop time

Total Duration: trip duration + stop duration

Distance: distance between last stop and current stop

About Efficient Fleets

We are a full service telematics and GPS tracking company based in San Antonio, TX. We provide easy-to-use, affordable GPS tracking systems for fleets of any size. All of our systems are web based so you can monitor your assets from any where. Our solutions include GPS tracking, video cameras, and electronic logging devices (ELD). Please contact us at 888-777-4510 for more information or fill our our contact form.